Summer 2021 - Women in Wikipedia - Part 2

Meet the other members of our team this summer.

Vaishnavi Walade

I am a Junior at Earlham College, double majoring in Economics and Data Science. I am passionate about creating increased access to underrepresented women in their fields. Through the Women in Wikipedia research at the Peer Lab I aim to do that along with focusing on women of Indian origin and women in Economics. I hope to also improve my skills in research and gain more insight on innovative work by these women.

Albert Rosas

I am a junior Psychology major and Global Management minor at Earlham College. I’m interested in child and developmental psychology, specifically in how trauma affects development. By participating in Women in Wikipedia, I aim to learn more about women who have impacted the field of child and developmental psychology, to provide representation to Mexican and other Latin women in the field of psychology, and build upon my current skill set.

Rachael Reavis