Fall 2018 Members (Part 2)

Kendra Parker (new lab member)

This summer I went to Hawaii with the LIFT program and completed a research project on Hawaii’s culture. I also traveled abroad to Morocco (it’s amazing over there). And I suppose the most “boring” part of my summer was completing an internship in the CCE, but believe it or not it was quite an rewarding experience. The reason why I am a part of the peer lab is because I would like to experience research in the field of psychology and because I find patterns in behavior very interesting.


Tyrique Richardson (new lab member)

Over the summer I participated in a May Term in Hawaii, where each of us proposed a different research topic to study while we were there. I specifically studied the non-material culture of Hawaii; more specifically the language, chants, and dancing (Hula). After I completed this May Term, I went to the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska, and participated in an internship there focused on the pre-health careers. I specifically was apart of the pre-med cohort and the program provided students from minority backgrounds with the opportunity to shadow a health care provider that is of their interest. This internship provided me with insight into classes that I will be taking in the coming semesters of college for the pre-med track. We were taught lessons on anatomy using Cadavers every Friday. After this internship ended, I went back home to NYC and worked as a group leader at a summer camp.

I wanted to work in the peer lab, because I am very interested in research with children. I would like my future career to involve research around children’s cognitive learning and thinking. Working in the peer lab would be a great starting experience for me!

My future plan is to become a pediatric doctor with a PhD so that I am able to complete research as well.

Xuechen Zhang

This summer, I went on a May term program in Germany, doing entrepreneurship research with professors. I went back home after the May Term, working at a private library. I helped to invite local celebrities and organize lectures, which was a fun experience. I built great networks. I have been interested in doing research since freshman year. The most intriguing thing about the Peer Lab is that I can work with children. After Earlham, I might apply for research assistant positions pertaining to children’s cognition.

Rachael Reavis